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28 PKL di Cilacap Melanggar Perda Disidang Tipiring

28 PKL di Cilacap Melanggar Perda Disidang Tipiring
28 PKL in Cilacap Violate Regulations in Tipiring Court

Dozens of street vendors undergoing Tipiring Court at the Cilacap Municipal Police Office Hall. (Photo: Galih / Suara Indonesia)

SUARA INDONESIA, CILACAP – A total of 28 Street Vendors (PKL) who were caught in the PKL crackdown by the Cilacap Municipal Police (Satpol PP) underwent a light criminal trial (Tipiring) on Friday (18/10/2024).

The trial was held in the Hall of the Cilacap Municipal Police Office, chaired by a judge from the Cilacap District Court. The traders were tried because they were accused of violating several regional regulations (Perda) in Cilacap District.

“These traders sell in prohibited places such as sidewalks in urban areas of Cilacap. Then related to business permits in the Adipala area,” said Head of the Cilacap Satpol Sadmoko Danardono.

It is known that 21 people violated Regulation No. 5 of 2004 concerning PKL and 4 people violated the Cilacap District Regulation No. 26 of 2003 concerning Order, Cleanliness and Beauty (K3). Meanwhile, three other people violated Cilacap District Regulation No. 10 of 2022 concerning Business Licensing Implementation.

As a result of the trial, the judge imposed fines on the traders who violated them. The fines to be paid vary according to the type of violation, as well as paying court costs.

“For 21 violators of the PKL Regulation, a fine of Rp 4,200,000,- and court costs of Rp 52,500,-,” said Sadmoko.

Then 4 K3 Regulation Violators pay a fine of Rp 1,200,000,- and court costs of Rp 10,000,-. While the 3 Violators of the Business Licensing Implementation Regulation pay a fine of Rp 6,000,000,- and court costs of Rp 7,500,-.

“The total fines and costs of the three cases amount to Rp 11,470,000,-. This money is then deposited into the regional treasury,” said Sadmoko.

The Tipiring Court, according to Sadmoko, is the final enforcement after persuasive approaches by officers in the field are not adhered to by the vendors.

The former Head of P and K admitted that he had made persuasive efforts, dialogue approaches, humanitarian approaches, and heart-to-heart approaches before.

“Because it was not adhered to, we took legal action with the Tipiring Court,” said Sadmoko.

Sadmoko hopes that through the firm action taken, in the future it can provide comfort and order in society. Whether it concerns K3, licensing or PKL. (*)

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Reporter : Satria Galih Saputra
Editor : Mahrus Sholih